Today's Context: Buddhists vs. Rohingya Muslims
Myanmar Genocide:
The Burmese Government of Myanmar is committing a genocide 1.3 million Rohingya Muslims that live there. ​
Uniformed and armed Burmese military soldiers along with armed Burmese citizens closed in on Muslims who were running away to the river bank that surrounded the village of Tula Toli on three sides. They separated the men from the women and young children and immediately began slaughtering the men and young boys by piercing them knife or by hacking them with machetes. The soldiers snatched children from mother’s laps, slit their throats in front of their parents, and either stabbed them to death or tossed them into fires. Women were taken in small clusters into villager’s homes where they were gang-raped, beaten, and then set on fire with the home & left to die in the flames.
They are declared “illegal Bangladeshi migrants, despite many of them living in Myanmar for generations, sometimes their family history in Myanmar can be traced centuries back.
Military government has systematically persecuted them, despite peace negotiations made by the President of Myanmar.
According to the 1982 Law, Rohingya Muslims are denied citizenship. People married to someone who is not considered “Burmese” are barred from applying to a legislative position.
Out of those 1.4 million Rohingya Muslims, over 640,000 have tried to flee Myanmar since August. Even when they try to escape, their only route out of Burma is through the crashing waters. These desperate refugees are often trapped into human trafficking rings or force labor on rubber plantations if they don’t die at sea. If the international community doesn’t stop this, these Rohingyas, which are already one of the most oppressed minorities in the world, could be brutally wiped out in its entirety.
Evolution of the Legal Definition of "Genocide"
Genocides commonly alienate and collectivize a group of people and then oppress and vilify this group.
Some of the previously mentioned cases of genocide occur in countries with governments that blatantly deny the intention and execution of mass extermination. The formulation of the definition of genocide itself was tainted with self interest of almost all parties involved in the UN Convention.
Genocide is not determined by the scale of killing and its application can reach beyond its legal framework, because it can apply to classes and cultural groups.
Genocide is determined by the sole intention to eliminate a collective people. Although most governments executing genocide are usually highly militarized, facist, or have Nazi ideologies, genocides can also be carried out through the civilians as we see in the Rwandan Genocide. It can also be committed through the usage of ordinary weapons such as the axes and hoes used in the Holodomor.
The painstakingly careful terminology used to consider a government act as genocide clearly shows a avoidance on part of governments who don't want to "get involved." Denial or failure to hold accountability also communicates the reluctance to address and resolve the oppression of the "other group."
I believe that it is important to consider that habits of stereotyping and "collectivizing" a group may start with the insidious marginalization of a group and suddenly emerge to their eradication either physically, culturally, or through exile or other forms of expulsion.
Studying Genocides is essential in order to remain vigilant in identifying and deconstructing the ideological patterns that are used to ostracize and thus dehumanize a group of people.
1. "Burma Backgrounder," United to End Genocide, , accessed May 02, 2018, http://endgenocide.org/conflict-areas/burma-backgrounder/.
2."Massacre by the River | Burmese Army Crimes against Humanity in Tula Toli," Human Rights Watch, February 22, 2018, , accessed May 02, 2018, https://www.hrw.org/report/2017/12/19/massacre-river/burmese-army-crimes-against-humanity-tula-toli.
3.“MY WORLD IS FINISHED” ROHINGYA TARGETED IN CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY IN MYANMAR," Amnesty International, , accessed May 1, 2018, https://www.amnesty.org/download/Documents/ASA1672882017ENGLISH.PDF.